Previously Held Positions: Deputy Comment Editor (2022-2023)
Madame Butterfly Review, Grand Opera House York
By Juliette Barlow
An outstanding performance overshadowed by operatic Orientalism
Spotify Wrapped: Unwrapping My Favourite Holiday Present
Juliette Barlow rounds off the holidays by discussing everyone's favourite streaming gimmick
'All New Adventures of Peter Pan' Pantomime Review, York Theatre Royal
Juliette Barlow reviews YTR’s latest fun-filled, festive pantomime
Reviewing the CHMS Autumn Showcase: a marvellous ‘Movie Musicals Night’
Juliette Barlow reviews the 'energetic' and 'charming' CHMS Autumn Showcase
Nice guys or more lies: The illusion of the ‘nice guy'
The 'nice guy' trope hides a darker reality of misogyny
Emilia Chambers, BAME Officer, responds to the York Tories' invitation to Sir Desmond Swayne MP
By Hannah Boyle and Juliette Barlow
The invitation feels like a "micro-aggressive act"
Fresher’s fashion: what to wear and where?
Not sure what clothes to bring and which to leave at home? Juliette Barlow has you covered
England’s Lionesses: Football is football, no matter who kicks the ball
Juliette Barlow highlights the existing gender inequality in the world of football
Netflix, Europeanness and Racism: exclusionary attitudes in the Ukraine crisis
Our solidarity towards refugees should extend beyond those who 'look like us'
Molly-Mae: classist rhetoric in #girlboss packaging
Juliette Barlow takes apart Molly Mae's recent controversial comments and questions the reality of social mobility in the UK.