Molly and Me: 'Borrow My Doggy' Stole My Heart


Grace Bannister shares her experience the 'Borrow My Doggy' app and walking cocker spaniel Molly

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Image by Grace Bannister

By Grace Bannister

I don’t pretend to have a dog at home; those who know me know that I truly am a cat-person. But, a year ago I started walking Molly, and since then I fear I may have changed.

So, enter Molly – or as she’s more affectionately known, Mollipops, Molly-Mae, Molificent (I won’t go on) – a small cocker-spaniel with high energy levels.

I’ve been walking her twice a week since we were first acquainted through the app ‘Borrow My Doggy’. The app is designed to connect volunteer dog walkers with dogs whose owners have busy schedules, and are in need of an extra pair of hands.

Now, while I could lecture you about the physical and mental health benefits of walking Molly, I think it would be far more interesting to talk about the funnier moments; she is already JCFC’s wellbeing dog and can’t take on any more clients!

So, without further ado, here are some anecdotes and things I’ve discovered since walking Molly.

A sense of popularity in town and around campus! I’ve always known that the residents of York were friendly, with the stereotypes of Northern chitchat certainly ringing true, but with a dog in-tow (or should I say on-leash), I feel that I’ve reached a whole new strata of popularity and social status. I am, or to put it more accurately Molly is, stopped along walks with smiles, questions as to her breed/ name/ age, and requests to pet her (the answer is always yes followed quickly by a warning of her muddy paws!)

She much prefers tennis balls to footballs… Standing with me at the sidelines of a college football match, I was pleasantly surprised at her apparent disinterest in the football itself. More of a tennis(ball) fan, I don’t think we’d get invited back to any college tennis matches. (Her love of a tennis ball doesn’t exactly stop them being torn to shreds, in fact, it’s almost as if that’s the point entirely!)

We’ve had a few firsts together; my most memorable being our run into town. And though I cannot be completely certain of Molly’s thoughts on the matter, her reluctance to jog alongside me allows me to say with some certainty that it will be our first and last! This did come as a surprise to me as I thought such an energetic dog would relish the chance to go for a run, but alas I was sorely mistaken! I think we’ll stick to our leisurely strolls from now on – that is until I feel the sudden urge to attempt my next ‘Couch to 5k’ – apologies in advance Molly.

And for those who join me on my walks with Molly, there are a few things I warn them of in advance. Don’t wear an outfit you weren’t planning on immediately washing. Molly’s lessons in social graces and etiquette have not yet extended to personal space, and keeping her muddy feet to herself! And whilst she sees it as a sign of love, I know it’s not everyone’s idea of a fashion statement to walk around with pawprints on their white trousers.

Another thing I tend to inform people of when they first meet Molly is her fascination with anything involving wheels. A list comprising of (but not exclusive to, I might add): scooters, prams, and most ardently bikes! Her enthusiasm ranges from an inquisitive look, an attempt to investigate, and a thorough takedown of her suspect. Don’t worry though, Molly’s generosity does mean that she only chases them unleashed, she wouldn’t want to get tangled up after all!

Molly has taken the importance of a signature scent to heart, frequently using our walks as an opportunity to scout out her next eau de parfum. These endeavours typically include her complete and unadulterated joy at finding any kind of animal excrement, and my immediate ‘No!’ as I desperately try to pull her away before she has a moment to test out a new cologne (her favourite thus far is eau de fox).

She also takes a serious dislike to clothing-store mannequins, the ones she saw in the window of H&M were among the most offensive. I think she vehemently disagrees with leopard print for autumn!

I think I’ve made clear a couple of things in this article, namely how much I enjoy walking Molly, and secondly my ability to talk (or write!) about this to anyone! However, I would like to point out that the feelings of affection are not one-sided. I’d like to think Molly’s aggressive clinginess, including an immediate meltdown upon my leaving her, and her capacity to be a ‘velcro dog’,  are evidence of her love for me.

So, there it is: the story of how ‘Borrow My Doggy’, and Molly, have well and truly stolen my heart.