What is Muse?


Ellen Morris and Emily Warner explain Muse

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Image by Nouse

By Emily Warner and Ellen Morris

Do you have a passion that you could talk about for hours, and you just wish you had somewhere to share it? Welcome to Nouse, one of the two newspaper media groups, a place for you to dream, write, and share!

Nouse is split into two sections. The first is Nouse, which contains the traditional aspects of a newspaper, covering News, Politics, Comment, Sport, Science, and Business. The other is Muse, the arts and culture supplement, which covers Music, Arts, Film and TV, Features, Shoot, Travel, Food and Drink, Gaming, and Creative Writing. I like to call this ‘the fun part of Nouse’ (don’t tell anyone who writes for Nouse though - they get defensive over their politics section). Whatever your interests are, there is something for everyone here.

I view Muse as a creative endeavour, to explore all things imaginative, artistic, and innovative. The opportunities for writers are endless, and the more ambitious or crazy the idea, the better. Self-expression is a beautiful thing and writing can be such a captivating way to explore your own interests, thoughts, and feelings. Especially during your formative years at university. It is important to explore who you are, what you enjoy doing, and what you want to do more of. It may feel daunting, sending your inner monologue into the world, to be read by anyone. However, it’s really quite exciting to be given the opportunity; it is a privilege to be seen and heard! It also gives you a break from academic writing - there is no pressure here.

Muse entails reviews, interviews, advice, and experiences. It is hard to categorise it because each piece is unique - it is whatever the hot topic on our writer’s mind is. And if you don’t fancy writing an article, the Creative Writing section is a safe space to share poetry and prose!

The process for getting your article published is simple. Firstly, email or message your idea to one of the section editors and they will get back to you with some feedback. Then you can get started with writing and editing the piece. Once you are happy with it, send your article back to the section editor who will invite our team of sub-editors to proofread it. Lastly, the article will be either uploaded to the website - which is updated constantly - or included in one of our print editions. That’s it!

If you want to be more involved, you’ll also have the chance to run for an editorial role in our elections. You have to give a short speech about why you want the role, and then everyone else votes for their favourite candidate. It may sound daunting, but the support and camaraderie of everyone at Nouse is wonderful and you can be assured that everyone is in the same boat (we all have to re-run for our positions). There is no judgement and no expectations - just a room full of people who all have interesting things to say and a shared passion for writing.

In my first year, I joined with hesitation - I felt very nervous to put myself out there, even though I knew it was something I wanted to do. I went to the election night to assign editorial roles, and ended up going for Deputy Music Editor. This opened up doors for me in experiences, although more notably, a newfound sense of confidence. I recognise that this role shaped my experience of first year, and gave me a platform to talk about what I love. It is so cool to open the paper up and see your friends’ and your own thoughts all on a page. I am now the Deputy Editor of Muse and I am very grateful I went for it on that night last year. Maybe this is your chance for a similar experience- first, second, or third year; it is never too late to start something new.

I didn't discover Muse until part way through my first year and in June, I finally built up the courage to go to the bi-election. Walking in, I didn't know anyone and I was terrified. That is, until Katy (the previous Muse editor) recognised me and came over to say hello. Since then, I have only ever felt welcomed and supported at Nouse and Muse.

We are very excited to welcome new faces, with keen (but not too keen) encouragement to come along and take part. Anyone and everyone is welcome.