The invasion of Ukraine caused an enormous range of emotions across the world, but one of the most phenomenal outcomes is how individuals have acted in support of Ukrainian refugees.
As I watch the news everyday I hear stories of how people have donated belongings in huge numbers to be sent to the Ukrainian border for families fleeing from the violence. In a time where many have become more hard-pressed for money because of the cost of living, the amount of donations have been remarkable.
In recent years there has been considerable commentary about the way in which our country has become a hostile environment for immigrants and refugees, and whilst I believe the UK’s immigration policy is deeply problematic and unwelcoming, it is not something which has been reflected in the actions of individuals in recent weeks.
This has continued across Europe with stories of individuals travelling to the Ukrainian border to offer free transport to refugees to safer places across Europe, or those who have offered up rooms in their homes to those crossing the border indefinitely.
The kindness of people donating belongings, offering transport, rooms in their homes, holding vigils and protests is like nothing I have ever seen during refugee crises before. I hope it is something which continues, not only as long as the war continues, no matter where the refugees are coming from, but as long as this government pursues harmful immigration policies.
Refugees crises are not a new phenomenon, there will always be people fleeing from violence, fleeing oppression, fleeing from a place decimated by climate change and it is vital to treat them with dignity and kindness. We cannot continue treating refugees and migrants as threats to our country.