Nouse: the new home of investigative journalism


"Journalism is all about challenging and holding to account powerful people and institutions"

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Image by Millie Stanley-Davy

By Ed Halford

When I first joined Nouse, I remember thinking “there can’t be anything worse than writing for the News Section.”Wow how that has dramatically changed.

When you are editor for a student paper, your housemates have to become accustomed to dirty dishes sitting in the sink for days and refusing to go to Salvos because you are stuck in the office. Without a doubt, your mental health and social life takes a toll. However, as editor I’ve found the rush of adrenaline that comes with chasing down that final source you need for an article to be approved extremely satisfying. The experience of spending time with the other editors in the office is always very rewarding. Every day you are exposed to new ideas and perspectives which challenge your world outlook. When editing a student newspaper, you feel a responsibility to do every story justice.

Recently, despite criticism from afar, I’ve tried to ensure that Nouse is at the vanguard of breaking news exposés which hold the University and YUSU to account. Accountability is what Nouse is here to provide. If you feel like you have a news story or opinion which needs to be empowered- Nouse is the place to go.

All our editors care deeply about treating every story with respect and integrity.

Every time I meet an individual who has a story to tell, I am always in awe of the bravery it takes to go public about injustices and prejudice. From an early age, we are told by our parents “life is unfair.” There is no disputing this. But individuals who show bravery in stepping out of their comfort zone should be lauded.

As a third year, you start to think about how different your life is going to be next year without those friends who helped you home on a night out or who checked up on you when you were feeling down. Everyone has ‘heroes’ in their lives, it’s just a case of some receiving more publicity than others.

As seeing the upsetting scenes of warfare becomes more routine, it is important to remember that there will be many acts of heroism shown by the Ukrainian people which we will never hear about. I’ve always believed that Nouse should never shy away from reporting on the stories which will change the course of history. Maybe the history student in me is shouting out.

Our print edition has attempted to show that the Russian people’s heroism in protesting against Putin and his regime should also not be forgotten. A clear distinction should be made between those who have aided and abetted Putin’s regime, and the innocent Russian people. This isn’t their war.

This print edition includes personal testimony from a Russian student and news reports on students’ participation in events which aimed to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The invasion of Ukraine and Covid-19 is a reminder of how unpredictable our world has become.

Nouse has also sought to cover Varsity’s highlights. Spoiler alert- York won convincingly against Durham!

What laying up this paper has made me aware of is the extraordinary acts of kindness so many students have undertaken to help people they’ve never met before. Generosity is a characteristic which is in short supply but invaluable. As we all prepare for exams and start to enter a very stressful period of our lives, being generous to others will not be forgotten by those we help. This is now my third and penultimate edition acting as editor for Nouse and I really hope the paper has been successful in serving you- the students.

Lucy and I haven’t held back in starting investigations which are both long, tricky and complicated. Yes, you open yourself up to scrutiny but if it means empowering your voices then it is definitely worth it!

Journalism is all about challenging and holding to account powerful people and institutions, and as students these are the University and YUSU.

I would like to thank Alanah and Emily for working tirelessly with me on these investigations. I hope they will introduce positive changes on campus for students.

My final thank you predictably goes to Lucy. Whether it is providing a much needed beer in times of need or telling me “everything is going to be alright” when a story looks like it is about to fly out of the window- you need someone by your side who understands that journalism is about making a tangible difference. In Lucy you have this person in abundance. Thank you if you have listened to me wittering on this far, and enjoy the edition!